2024 Fall Stated Meeting Highlights

October 1, 2024
First Presbyterian Church of Palatka

It was a great delight to gather in-person at First Presbyterian Church of Palatka for our Presbytery meeting! Thanks go to Lisa Wells and the Palatka volunteers for the smooth parking and registration process. Participants were able to roam the interior of Westminster Hall for registration, visiting display tables and enjoying delightful breakfast bites and drinks.

Worship started us off on the right note. Suzie Cornelio, a Commissioned Ruling Elder Candidate and member of Palatka First Presbyterian Church, delivered the message. The hymns were sung with great enthusiasm and the Palatka choir director, Wayne Bodiford, led the way musically for the service. The Lord’s Supper was celebrated as the service was led by our Commissioned Ruling Elders and CRE Candidates. Plus, our offering taken both in-person and online will go toward assisting the Interface Family and Youth Services.

Moderator Steve Crowley guided the Presbytery through the agenda. Highlights included:

  • Introductions of Rev. Jessica Means (South Jax), Rev. John David Bryant (Perry), Rev. Ruth Ragovin (Faith) and Rev. Suzanne Brooks-Cope (HR) occured. Ordination anniversaries of 40, 45, 50, 55 and 60 years were celebrated. Rev. Jeff Beebe was also recognized as he leaves our presbytery to become pastor at Ormond Beach Presbyterian Church.
  • Greetings from International Peacemaker Zoughbi Zoughbi were well received.
  • Updates on the recent efforts of our Presbytery Disaster Commission by Walk Jones and of the Florida PDA Network by Kathy Broyard were given.
  • A report on the current state of affairs at Montgomery Center was presented.
  • Filling vacancies on our presbytery committees and commissions by the Volunteer Management Team occurred.
  • Reports from our Lead Presbyter, Youth Team and our Generosity Team provided valuable information.
  • The presentation of our 2025 Asking Budget was delivered for contemplation.
  • And the awarding of Youth Retention Grants was a perfect end to our meeting!

The meeting adjourned at 12:40 p.m. and a most delightful lunch was served, which matched perfectly with National Taco Day! Many pleasant conversations were held around the tables filled with joy and laughter. Please plan to participate in the next meeting of presbytery on February 1, 2025, at Montgomery Center.  

Charlie Evans
Stated Clerk