Fort King Presbyterian Church in Ocala has had a long commitment to the arts.  Their community-based Art 4 All ministry offers an opportunity for an intergenerational community to gather to create art together.  They have also recently opened Hope House on the Fort King campus, which is a space designed to display art and gather year-round.Read More →

Our presbytery is pleased to introduce Lauren Scott as the new Associate Pastor for Youth and Families at Riverside Presbyterian Church (RPC) in Jacksonville. Her first Sunday at RPC was July 3, 2022, so she is just getting started!  Lauren will be ordained later this summer by Florida Presbytery, where she was a candidate for ministry. After being ordained, she will transfer into our Presbytery. Welcome Lauren! Read More →

Churches in our presbytery are strong supporters of local food ministries. Through these ministries we are living out our Matthew 25 commitment to actively engage in ministry which addresses systemic poverty. We highlight three food ministries and offer brief descriptions of other programs. Thanks for your generosity!Read More →

Ft. Caroline Presbyterian Church in the Arlington area of Jacksonville is a Matthew 25 congregation in our presbytery that while small in number, is doing a tremendous amount of ministry supporting their neighbors to overcome poverty and find hope.Read More →

Palms Presbyterian Church in Jacksonville Beach has several food distribution ministries which have evolved and grown as community hunger needs were identified. Two of the larger ministry projects are the Mayport Market and Kid’s Kitchen. Mayport Market is a year-round mobile food distribution ministry, while Kid’s Kitchen is a ministry which provides kid-friendly food to children during the summer months. Read More →

Each year we welcome several already retired members into our presbytery family. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to four of the most recent ones. They have a variety of life and ministry experiences that are both interesting and inspiring!Read More →

Every year, Presbyterians celebrate Heritage Sunday, a day to reflect upon and learn more about the long and rich history of the Presbyterian church in America. Our presbytery shares in this heritage. According to PCUSA statistics, our presbytery has 17 congregations that were founded in the 1800s! We are pleased to share a few of their stories as a small part of Heritage Sunday recognition. Read More →

Kanapaha Presbyterian Church in Gainesville was founded in 1857. The original church building was on the edge of a large cotton plantation. Read More →

Memorial Presbyterian Church in St. Augustine was the first presbyterian congregation in Florida. It was organized in June of 1824. The current sanctuary was built in 1890. Read More →