Woodlawn Presbyterian Church was founded in 1870 when members of First Presbyterian Church in Jacksonville wanted to organize a Presbyterian Church with black leadership. Woodlawn recently celebrated their 150th anniversary.Read More →

First Presbyterian Church of Lake City was founded in May 1856 in what was then known as Alligator, East Florida. The history of the church has been formed by several generations of ministers from the Montgomery family.Read More →

Our presbytery has four churches that are designated by Presbyterian Mission Agency as Earth Care Congregations: Fort King Presbyterian Church, Westminster Church, First Presbyterian Church of Fernandina Beach, and Riverside Presbyterian Church. We are pleased to highlight their amazing commitment to God’s creation! We also share about MPCC’s Farm to Table program, and earth care resources. Read More →

Riverside Presbyterian Church in Jacksonville also signed on to be an Earth Care Congregation in 2016. Part of the church’s mission statement is “… cherishing, sustaining, & enhancing the resources God has entrusted to us.” One of the church’s regular commitments is to publish “Eart Care Tips” to remind the congregation that little changes make a big difference!Read More →

First Presbyterian Church of Fernandina became an Earth Care Congregation in 2017. In the last five years, the church has committed to educating their congregation and making it easier to recycle around the church campus. Two Christian Formation series are highlighted in this story. Read More →

Fort King Presbyterian Church in Ocala was the first church in our presbytery to sign on as an Earth Care Congregation in 2012. At this year’s Earth Day Celebration on April 24, they plan to have their congregation renew the Earth Care Pledge during their worship service. Read More →

Westminster Presbyterian Church in Gainesville has been an Earth Care Congregation since 2016. Their butterfly garden is a Certified Wildlife Habitat and they are committed to environmental activism throughout their congregation and the community.Read More →

Many of our presbytery congregations give generously through the Presbyterian Giving Catalog. Orange Park Presbyterian Church (OPPC) recently shared this article with us which describes how their Giving Catalog donations are guided by the church’s mission giving principles. Thank you to OPPC for your generosity and for your commitment to meaningful mission and ministry!Read More →

Join the presbytery for the monthly “Let’s Talk conversations about a variety of relevant topics. Sessions are held on Zoom and the Zoom information is included here. Join the conversation!Read More →