The Rev. Rebecca Lawson Putman, “Becca”, will be installed as Pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church in Gainesville on Sunday, November 7. We look forward to getting to know Becca as she settles into ministry at Westminster and within our presbytery.Read More →

Saturday, October 2 was a great day of celebration at the Highlands Regional Ministry Center in Gainesville. The presbytery and local community re-dedicated what had been the property of Highlands Presbyterian Church into a regional ministry center which is now home to several nonprofit ministries.Read More →

Montgomery Summer Camp is in the proverbial books but can best be described as a Summer of Champions. Thanks to the support of the presbytery, staff and volunteers from throughout the community for working together to make the summer experience a success.Read More →

Orange Park Presbyterian and Montgomery Camp Conference Center teamed up to bring a day of joy and new experiences to 25 young refugees from countries in Africa, the Middle East and Central America.  The young people ranged in age from 6 to 17; some had been in the United States for a few years while others just a few days.  There were planned activities, but the focus was on showing these young people they are loved.Read More →

This 16‐month calendar (starting with September, 2021, and ending with December, 2022) contains many planning aids for pastors and other church leaders. Copies are available through the presbytery office at a discounted rate of $12.00 each which includes shipping and handling.Read More →

Our presbytery is pleased to welcome the Rev. Erin Hatcher Horne, who was ordained on May 30 at St. Johns Presbyterian Church. Erin prepared for ministry under the care of our presbytery. Erin will begin serving on the presbytery staff as Area Relationship Coordinator (Area 3). Congratulations and welcome Erin!Read More →

Our presbytery’s churches worshipped together in a variety of ways on Easter Sunday. This website story has a photo gallery with many of our churches included – we’ll be adding more photos as we get them!.Read More →

The agencies and groups housed at Highlands Regional Ministry Center are doing amazing ministry in the Gainesville area. Read more about their wonderful work in the community!Read More →

Do you know someone who is? GriefShare can help. GriefShare is a 13 week, faith-based program of videos and discussion. GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. A new group is beginning Sunday, April 11 at 4 p.m. via ZoomRead More →

The Synod of South Atlantic invites pastors and church leaders to register for an upcoming Church Leaders’ Forum on Leading the Church into the Post COVID World with Tod Bolsinger on Tuesday, April 27, 2021, 3:00 – 4:30 pm EDT via ZOOM.Read More →