Mission and Leadership Development Committee

Mission and Leadership Development Committee. This committee takes over where the Call Commission leaves off. Its purpose is to support congregations, mission partners, ruling elders in leadership positions, and all of our teaching elders (wherever they serve) by:

  1. Seeking to understand the needs of Presbytery leaders in both church and other ministry roles for teaching elders and council/ committee/ ant team leadership roles for all elders;
  2. Offering role definition, preparation, orientation, and training for specific leaders as they assume new roles in the presbytery,
  3. Helping to develop and supporting leaders in congregations and validated ministries and Certified Christian Educators;
  4. Supervising and supporting ruling elders commissioned to particular pastoral service; and
  5. Providing ongoing training and support during each leader’s service in the presbytery.

The Mission and Leadership Development Committee shall consist of five members, including the committee chair or co-chairs and other members appointed by the Coordinating Council from among its members and the chairs of the Training Team (six members), the Church Vitality Team (six members), and the Youth Ministry Leadership Team (nine members in three classes plus a Youth Advisory Council open to all youth in the presbytery who may attend or otherwise participate from time to time (no minimum or maximum number or term limits) as designated by the Youth Ministry Leadership Team). The teams shall elect their own chairs (and may elect vice-chairs). The teams shall report to the committee, which shall organize them so that they may carry out all of the purpose and functions of the committee. The committee shall also appoint Training Program Ad Hoc teams as needed. The Lead Presbyter shall serve ex-officio but without vote.

In its strategic role, this committee develops and proposes new strategies to address identified presbytery opportunities and issues by:

  1. Assuring that the key strategic initiatives approved by the presbytery from time to time are being prioritized and addressed through financial and operational plans;
  2. Reviewing and monitoring performance to existing plans – both strategic and operational;
  3. Monitoring the finances and operations of the presbytery to identify issue and opportunity areas that are not being adequately addressed; and
  4. Working with the Coordinating Council to revise plans and reallocate resources to achieve desired end results.

Mission and Leadership Development Committee
Steve Crowley – Chair
Julie Higbee – Vice Chair

Training Team Chair – Oday Mickel

Mission and Leadership Development Committee Teams

Training Team
Oday Mickel, Chair

Class of 2024
Rebekah Hutto (TE)
Oday Mickel (RE)
Class of 2025
Ann Graham-Johnson (TE)
Robert Koval
Class of 2026
Tasha Schoppee (RE)
Christine Caven (RE)

Youth Ministry Leadership Team

The Youth Ministry Leadership Team’s purpose is to seek out and connect with young people in all aspects of our ministries by:

  1. Exploring the question, “How do we invite and affirm young people in our faith community?”;
  2. Developing a comprehensive plan to engage and integrate young people in the life and mission of the presbytery;
  3. Supporting and cultivating youth ministry leaders, providing opportunities for collaboration, fun, support, and dreaming;
  4. Facilitating connections between youth of different churches,
  5. Planning and organizing youth retreats, events and presbytery-wide opportunities for mission trips;
  6. Working through the Mission and Leadership Development Committee to involve youth in leadership positions. And, helping the presbytery engage young people with energy, intelligence, imagination, and love.

Youth Engagement Project: Retaining Youth in Congregational Life

Vickie Bossuot, Co-Chair
Robin Pyles, Co-Chair

Class 2024
Tiffany LaMotte
Taylor Atkins
Terry Albright
Class of 2025
Vickie Bossuot (TE)
Robin Pyles
Linda Turnage
Class of 2026

Church Vitality Team

Vacant, Chair

Class of 2024
John Booth (RE)
Class of 2025
Class of 2026