Presbyterian Women

The 2024-2025 PW Bible Study will be
Let Justice Roll Down:
God’s Call to Care for Neighbors and All Creation
by Patricia K. Tull


Summer Gathering of the Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery of St. Augustine
Date: August 24, 2024
Location: Montgomery Center

8:30 | Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:00 | Welcome
9:15 | Program *The Bible Study will be led by the Rex. Amy Camp, Associate Pastor at Memorial Presbyterian Church.
10:15 | Break
12:00 | Lunch
1:00 | Workshop *Will include Officer Training, Overview of Positions and Team Building.
1:45 | Break
2:00 | Worship with Communion

Service Project
Keep the PW Cabin, at Montgomery Center, looking good, smelling good and full of supplies! Let’s keep it stocked with bath towels, washcloths, twin sheets (fitted and flat), standard pillows, shower curtains, cleaning supplies and room deodorizers.

The cost is $30. The deadline for early registrations is August 9. Registrations submitted or postmarked after August 9 will be $35. Please make checks payable to “Presbyterian Women.”
To register, please complete the form below or download the flyer to mail in your registration.

Online Registration For Presbyterian Women Annual Summer Gathering

The 2023-2024 PW Bible Study is Horizons by Olive Mahabir.

Presbyterian Women Logo

Presbyterian Women are committed to strengthening the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) because we are the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)! In fact, more than two million people—women and men—worship in nearly 10,000 Presbyterian congregations throughout the United States. As Presbyterians (and Presbyterian Women), we believe that we are the hands of Christ in this world and that we are ever guided by the Holy Spirit. 

In our Purpose statement, we commit to strengthening the PC(USA). It’s an organizational commitment, but also a commitment that individual Presbyterian Women carry out according to their skills and gifts. 

Individual Presbyterian Women strengthen the church by being faithful members of the church. You’ll meet Presbyterian Women who are teaching elders (pastors), ruling elders (church leaders), session members (a committee of elders who govern a church), church educators, voting delegates to the General Assembly, or chairs or members of church committees. They also strengthen the church in less visible, less official ways—offering kind words to a newcomer, working tirelessly on a justice issue or sharing meaningful insights during Bible study.  

Presbyterian Women groups (from the congregational level to the national or churchwide level) also strengthen the church. PW groups support denominational work, like putting together hygiene kits for Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. They establish programs or resources that are later adopted by the denomination, like the Mission Yearbook for Prayer & Study, a now-online daily publication that connects Presbyterians to one another through prayer and information about PC(USA) ministries, its members and staff. PW groups also carry out ministries tended by PW that broaden the reach of the church—for example, grant programs such as the Birthday and Thank Offerings

Presbyterian Women on YouTube

Did you know that PW has a YouTube Channel?  Search: “Presbyterian Women YouTube”, and you are able to view it! There are wonderful videos including this one which shares the purpose of the Presbyterian Women which was created for the recent Association of Presbyterian Christian Educators (APCE) conference.

Contact Moderator Nancy Carlton (Lakewood)
(904) 945-9750 (cell)

Presbyterian Women in Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery of St. Augustine (Facebook page)

Current Presbyterian Women Directory, including Yearbook with Bylaws (updated 8/24/23)

Presbyterian Women Yearbook Update Form
If you have any changes or additions, please send them to Lois Morse.

Preparing PW Histories

Mission Haven Update (12/2023)

2024 Approved Budget

Treasurer Packet (all forms updated 11/2021)

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