Jacksonville Together: Disrupting Division Video

If you were unable to join in on the Jacksonville Together: Disrupting Division program on Sunday, November 1st you may view the video from that evening (below). Participants were encouraged to be part of creating courageous conversations and create a paradigm shift from “us and them” towards “we the people”.
This video includes the keynote speaker, Rev. Dr. Allen Hilton, author of A House United, and the panel discussion, which included Holly Inglis of Palms Presbyterian Church as a panelist. Common Grounds (a program of Palms), in partnership with One Jax, presented the program as an opportunity to discuss ways to respect and overcome political division that threatens the very social fabric which binds us together.

Thanks to Palms Presbyterian Church and Common Grounds for your leadership in planning this event. If you are interested in follow up activities or more information, contact Melissa Ancelin at Palms Presbyterian Church at melissa.ancelin@palmschurch.org.
*Please note there is a delay in the start of the video.