Resources for Lent 2022
Explore a variety of resources to strengthen your Lenten journey. Here are denominational resources as well as some from our presbytery members.
The Diakonos Solutions Lenten Devotional is available on its website. Follow along for daily posts.
The Presbyterian Hunger Program strives to walk with people in moving toward sustainable choices that restore and protect all of God’s children and Creation. Its Lenten calendar, Tread Lightly for Lent, is intended to create more mindful behaviors throughout the year.
Unbound continues inclusive Lent and Advent series with ‘A Journey to Arise: A Mujerista Lenten Devotional’
For Lent 2022, Unbound — An Interactive Journal on Christian Social Justice is offering a devotional series focused on the Latina community. “A Journey to Arise: A Mujerista Lenten Devotional,” will debut on Ash Wednesday, March 2, and run through Easter, April 17.
One key feature of the series is that it will be published primarily in Spanish, and people who want to read English translations will have to click an additional link to reach that version. This will give readers a window into the regular experiences of Spanish-speaking people in the United States. View the video below from UnBound for more information.

Journey to the Cross, the devotional series for Lent for youth & young adults, returns to the devotional website and app,, Ash Wednesday, March 2, through Sunday, April 17. This series features scripture, prayer, and meditative thoughts accompanied by gentle music.
During this Lenten season, families are encouraged to use the activities in the Sharing Calendar for Lent to focus on the ministries supported by the One Great Hour of Sharing gifts – Presbyterian Hunger Program, Self-Development of People and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. Learn more about OGHS.
Rev. Dr. Bill Weimer, a retired Navy chaplain and honorably retired minister in our presbytery, has compiled prayers from Christians throughout the centuries which he is sharing through Community Presbyterian Church. You are invited to pray these daily prayers to enlighten, expand, and encourage your own prayers. Praying with Christians: Lent through Easter 2022
Rev. Jessi Higginbotham, Parish Associate at St. Giles Presbyterian Church, invites you to use these two resources as we begin the season of Lent. First, learn about the Labyrinth on Ash Wednesday. Then follow along with the Stations of the Cross as we travel this sacred journey together with Christ. For more seasonal lessons updated throughout the liturgical year visit:

Lenten Reflections on the Spirituals byLuke Powery
In these devotions for the season of Lent, Powery leads the reader through African American spirituals as they confront the mystery of Christ’s atoning death and victory over the grave.

Confronting the Legacy of American Slavery byCheri L. Mills
This Lenten devotional invites readers to learn more about slavery and to recognize how its legacy continues to harm the descendant of slaves today.
Presbyterians are being introduced to a Lenten practice that takes its cue from the Advent wreath — only rather than lighting a candle weekly, the Lenten “wreath” extinguishes a candle weekly. Read more in the Presbyterians Today article.
If you have a resource to suggest, email Marigrace Doran.