Experiencing Unity, Hope and Miracles at
Montgomery Presbyterian Conference Center
Monica Williams, Executive Director
Let me start by paraphrasing Ezra 9:9 “Though we are facing many challenges, our God has not forsaken us in our trials. He has shown us kindness in the sight of many people: He has granted us new life to rebuild Montgomery and repair its brokenness, and He has given us a wall of protection.”

COVID-19 has been a very devastating challenge for all! It has definitely challenged Montgomery Presbyterian Conference Center, but it hasn’t stopped God’s plan and community work. COVID-19 has proven to us that Montgomery is in the center of God’s will, and in the heart and mind of many. We can’t deny that in the beginning of this crisis, we felt scared, frustrated and discouraged. But as time went on, we started experiencing unity, hope and miracles through the generosity of our Presbyterian family. Today we are extremely thankful for the constant donations and letters of support that we have received from many churches, ministries and people from the Presbytery of St. Augustine.

It is because of God’s faithfulness, and the love and care of our Presbyterian family, that Montgomery is feeling stronger than ever. Thank you Presbytery of St. Augustine for believing in what we do. We are confident that very soon Montgomery will be successfully on its feet, thanks to the your generous support. We have to say that one of our most faithful supporters is our Presbyterian Women (PW) from the Presbytery of St. Augustine, we love them and we can’t wait to see them again. We could also name all the churches and people that have made donations during this challenging time, but the list is very long. Your donations have kept us afloat, allowing us to pay our most pressing bills and payroll, until we receive our PPP stimulus. The Inn rooms are re-decorated through donations and volunteer work. Redbud is beautifully re-decorated and functional, currently serving as a transitional shelter for a Veteran, his wife and their child.
Our Redemption Plan is moving on and great things are happening at Montgomery. We are growing and expanding in services, and in public relations, through community outreach. We are working in collaboration with community leaders, and local churches and organizations in different projects to serve Kids-at-Risk, and Veterans and their families. We are not a secret treasure to the community anymore; our name is now constantly mentioned in many community organizations and churches amongst Bradford and Clay Counties. Montgomery, as a ministry of the Presbytery of St. Augustine is more than a Summer Camp, and we are making a big difference in the life of many. Together, we are becoming a lighthouse to this community, for the Glory of God!!!
Last but not least, we are thankful for our Board Of Directors, they are the best!!! Their donations, support, wisdom and hands on work have been the glue for our team during this trying COVID-19 pandemic.