Several of our churches are stepping in to create masks for medical workers and other essential employees. They are doing amazing work and sharing resources. Thanks for all you are doing to support our community in the midst of the pandemic.Read More →

For those who would like an opportunity to worship from home, we have included multiple opportunities. Thank you for exploring new ways of being church and serving each other. Remember that caring for each other, and spending time in prayer and meditation is also “being church.” Do what works best for you and your family in these changing and challenging times.Read More →

PW Moderator’s Report – February 2020 When I volunteered to serve as Vice-Moderator, lo, those many months ago, the Lord put the verse from 1 Corinthians 13:11-12, in my heart: “When I was a child, I talked like a child,  I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became grown, I put childish ways behind me. Now we see as if through a mirror darkly, as a poor reflection; then we shall see face to face.Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” I focused on the first verse of this passage, andRead More →

On Sunday, February 23, our new Youth Ministry Leadership Team hosted a presbytery-wide “Youth Day Get-Away” at Community Presbyterian Church in Atlantic Beach. About 75 youth came from 10 different congregations to make this an exciting event. Read More →

Ruling Elder Edd Norris was installed as Moderator at our Winter Stated Meeting. Learn more about Edd and the experiences that he will share this year.Read More →

Community Thanksgiving Dinner at First Presbyterian Church Lake CityBy Terri Millikin, Event Organizer In 2000, a Thanksgiving meal was started as a Mission outreach for the homeless in the Lake City area.  The meaning of Thanksgiving changed that day for our church and community.  Nineteen years and 20 meals later, we are still going strong. A traditional meal of smoked turkey, cornbread dressing, gravy, sweet potatoes, and green beans is prepared. Tables are set with linens and our guests are greeted at the door, seated and served their meal.  Homemade desserts are the finishing touch.  Everything is done by volunteers from the church and community.Read More →

Bread of Life Community Ministry in Palatka By Page Walwik – Seminary Intern at FPC, Palatka Along the banks of the St. John’s River flows a community of people that have all found themselves at the same bend. Beneath the currents of life, Putnam County has been touched with a timeless opportunity in which God’s love can flood the souls of people through the ministry of Bread of Life (BOL). First Presbyterian Church (FPC) of Palatka, FL, became the vessel to steer the ship under the leadership of Transitional Pastor Cliff Lyda. Having sailed this route before, Lyda knew the river flowed fast; therefore, heRead More →

Grace Presbyterian Church and Korean Worshiping CommunitySubmitted by Charles Freeman, Pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church For about a year, the sanctuary of Grace Presbyterian Church in Gainesville has also been the worshiping home of a growing congregation of Korean residents of that area. In late 2017, Rev. John and Sara Kim first visited GPC and soon became welcome members of the community. The next year, Rev. Kim shared his desire to begin a worshiping community to reach out to the Korean community, and the GPC session was quick to endorse and support the new venture. As with many new worshiping communities, things started slowly. ByRead More →