Opportunities to Serve in the Presbytery

A note from Beth Touchton, inviting you to serve in the presbytery:

Dear Presbytery Friends,

Did you know it takes about 100 of us to do the things that keep the Presbytery connected and serving our 51 churches. Through this work we get to serve our community, get to know more people, and do interesting things!

Is God calling you or someone you know to serve our presbytery family on a ministry commission or team? There are many ways to serve: on the Coordinating Council, Church Vitality, Trustees, Mutual Mission, Communications, Finance, and more! The “application” linked below tells more about what each commission/team does. 

I am a member of Fort Caroline Presbyterian Church, a Sunday School teacher, choir member and clerk of Session.  I served on the Lead Presbyter Search committee and in February 2024, I became the chair of the Nominating Team of the Presbytery of St. Augustine. 

Is God is calling you?  View the organizational chart to see how the different commissions, committees and teams are structured within our presbytery.

To learn the ways in which you can serve, please contact me, Beth Touchton via email at btouch62@comcast.net, or fill out the “application” linked below to show your interest and willingness to serve.

Thank you and God Bless,

Beth Touchton