Ordination of Jessica Means

The Presbytery of St. Augustine is pleased to announce the Ordination of Jessica Means. The ordination will take place, at South Jacksonville Presbyterian Church, on Sunday, September 15, at 4:00 p.m. Kids are welcome and childcare will be available. The service will also be livestreamed at sjaxpc.org. Jerie Lukefahr will be preaching. A reception with light refreshments will take place after the service.

Jessica is serving as a Parish Associate at South Jacksonville Presbyterian Church.

As I look to my Ordination, I am full of gratitude for the way I experienced God’s grace through the love and support of so many folks on this journey, and I’m excited to be able to celebrate this moment with them. I’m really looking forward to ministering with South Jax in the San Marco community and working with our neighbors to catch God’s vision for our neighborhood. Personally, I’m also excited to preside at the Communion table for the first time, as God has so consistently met me in a tangible way in the bread and the cup.