Presbyterian Women Annual Business Meeting
Saturday, January 30, 2021
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
The Presbytery Women will have their annual business meeting via Zoom on Saturday, January 30, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. (use the yellow button below to connect to the meeting or from your email). The agenda is linked in the green button below.
This is the closest we are going to get to a Gathering until the pandemic makes it safe for us to be together in person. Read more about your PW Coordinating Team’s decision to hold the meeting via Zoom in my recent Moderator’s Report linked in the red button below.
We will have a brief devotion led by the Rev. Holly Dillon Inglis, Ministry and Mission Coordinator for the presbytery, followed by the business meeting. An important item we will vote on are the Bylaws change that you can see in the Bylaws document linked in the blue button below.
After you connect on Zoom (as early as 9:30 a.m.), please identify yourself indicating your name and the church you are representing. You can do this by clicking onto the icon that appears on your screen, typically in the upper right hand corner of your picture.
If you do not have ZOOM, then, get with someone in your Church, or a family member that does! You can even join the meeting via your iPhone or other smartphone. If you can use FaceBook, you can use ZOOM!
If you have never used Zoom, before joining the meeting please download the Zoom Client app onto your computer (using this link) or mobile device (through the iTunes App Store / Google Play Store). For a Zoom tutorial you can watch this YouTube video.
We look forward to seeing you on Zoom on Saturday, January 30 at 10:00 a.m.!