Welcome to Cyndi Rigley as our new Office Manager!
The Presbytery of St. Augustine is pleased to welcome Cyndi Rigley as Office Manager. This new position was created to increase efficient office functions and provide administrative support to the presbytery staff and leaders. As the Office Manager, Cyndi will be working closely with the Coordinating Council, our Commissions and Ministry Teams, our Treasurer and Administration Committee, as well as all of our staff. She looks forward to getting to know our pastors, congregations, and all of our presbytery colleagues in ministry.

She is originally from Ohio and has been married to Darrell since 1974. Together, they have two children and four grandchildren. She loves going to the beach, reading, working puzzles, and spending time with her family. Cyndi has served in the local church throughout the years and is excited to serve. We look forward to Cyndi sharing her gifts and skills with the Presbytery.
Cyndi can be reached at: cyndi@staugpres.org / 904 733-8277 ext. 123
As we welcome Cyndi, we also want to again thank Nancy Brown for her 21 years of faithful service to our presbytery. Before she really retires, Nancy is working closely with Cyndi to share her extensive knowledge of the presbytery’s bookkeeping functions, and all the tasks “behind the scenes” that are too numerous to list here! Nancy has the daunting task of transferring 21 years of experience and wisdom to Cyndi during a brief transition time.

Please join us as we again thank Nancy Brown and wish her well in her retirement, as we also welcome Cyndi Rigley to the presbytery team.