Youth Ministry Resources

Youth Participation Survey

Last fall the Youth Ministry Team was able to gift $100,000 to six churches through the generosity of an anonymous donor. These gifts were made possible by participation in the annual youth ministry survey per the donor’s wishes. This year we will, again, be sharing the donor’s gifts with six churches. To be eligible, your church must complete the survey! If you have even one youth in your church, your congregation is eligible. We look forward to hearing about the participation of young people in your congregation.

Community Resources

Youth Engagement Project: Retaining Youth in Congregational Life

Follow up story on Light the Fire Youth Retreat

Youth Groups Collaborate – learn how Woodlawn and Riverside Presbyterian Churches collaborated on joint youth activities

Missing Voices Project – a grant-funded cohort of Florida churches sponsored by the Youth Ministry Program of Flagler College which is looking at the missing voices of young people on the margins of our society and churches.

Missing Voices Podcast

Litany for Youth Workers

Denominational Resources

Confirmation for the Matthew 25 Congregation: Commissioned to Change the World

In the spirit of Matthew 25, the PC(USA) has developed a confirmation curriculum titled Commissioned to Change the World: Confirmation for the Matthew 25 Congregation, which has a theological focus of “serving the least of these.” The downloadable package is available for $35. Click here to read more and purchase this exciting curriculum! 

Follow Me: Biblical Practices for Faithful Living

Follow Me: Biblical Practices for Faithful Living is a thirty-six-unit curriculum based on practices Jesus did and taught us to do as faithful followers. Written for people of all ages who wish to live out their faith, this new curriculum examines where these practices are found in the Bible and how they have been used in Christian faith then and now. Visit the PCUSA store to learn more about this youth curriculum.

PYT Beyond
PYT Guides: Group Study, Recreation and Worship & Prayer

Presbyterian Youth Triennium did not meet in person this year, but PYT has blessed us with amazing professional and FREE resources that we can use to create programs in our own communities. These resources are about SEEING and are appropriate for youth, young adults, families, and intergenerational groups. Click here to read more about the planning behind these resources, and explore the three PYT guides: